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3 ways to beat depression naturally


woman-happy-in-grass(NaturalHealth365) Looking for a natural treatment for depression?  Well, get ready for some great news.  Because we have 3 highly effective alternatives to toxic medication.

We know that millions of Americans deal with depression on a regular basis. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.7% of U.S. adults have faced a major depressive disorder in the past year and the problem is worldwide.

A failed system: Conventional medicine is too quick to offer antidepressant medication as the go-to treatment for depression.  However, many of these drugs bring a range of harmful and dangerous side effects. The truth is there are many natural ways to combat depression. The following are three of the most effective:

Turmeric (curcumin) shown to be a natural treatment for depression without negative side effects

Turmeric is a delicious spice found in Indian and Asian cooking. It is also extremely beneficial when used therapeutically for depression.

Studies have found that turmeric, also referred to as curcumin, can stop depression as effectively as antidepressant drugs – and without the negative and harmful side effects often associated with them. Researchers believe that it inhibits the depression enzyme monoamine oxidase. Curcumin also boosts the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which help to reduce depression as well as anxiety.

In contrast, common pharmaceutical medications like Prozac can cause side effects like sleep disturbances, anxiety, schizophrenic behavior and suicidal ideation.

The study found that using 500 mg of standardized, bioavailable curcumin extract twice per day was effective against major depressive disorder. Absorption is enhanced by taking it with healthy fats like avocado, olive oil or coconut oil.

Niacin (vitamin B3) has been easing depression successfully for decades

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is another potent depression and anxiety cure. It has been studied extensively by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. and has been found to be safe, affordable and highly effective against depression and other mental disorders.

Vitamin B3 is also effective against anxiety, alcoholism, and even schizophrenia. Those with depression should strongly consider avoiding the hazards of antidepressant side effects in favor of a natural cure like niacin:

Beat depression and improve brain function with a healthy diet

Finally, one of the top depression cures that’s readily available to anyone is a healthy diet. It is as simple as making the proper choices every week at the grocery store.

Treatment for depression through diet can be accomplished by favoring foods high in polyphenols. These compounds are prevalent in plant foods and are effective in reducing oxidative stress and improving synaptic plasticity in the brain.

A 2012 study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience showed showed that polyphenols improved cognitive functioning as well as psychiatric disorders like depression.  A British Journal of Health Psychology study found that diets high in fruits and vegetables improved both mood and brain functioning.

Foods richest in polyphenols include blueberries, blackberries, flax seeds, hazelnuts, dark chocolate and herbal teas. Foods high in omega 3s such as oily fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, and legumes are also effective against depression. Avoiding gluten, artificial ingredients and processed foods will boost your mood and promotes clarity of thought.

So, as you can see, a natural treatment for depression is not only safe and effective but, it’s available to all of us now.  If you suffer from depression, don’t become a victim of poor medical advice.  Work with a qualified healthcare provider (if needed) – who appreciates the power of nutrition to heal the body.










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Top foods that cause depression and destroy your mental wellbeing


depression(NaturalHealth365)  Could depression be caused by your diet?  The link between unhealthy eating habits and chronic disease and disorders, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and increased incidence of stroke, are well known.  But, what about emotional wellbeing?

There is a growing body of evidence showing a strong connection between mental and emotional health, and a diet dominated by processed foods and refined sugar.

The link between sugar and depression

1. Sugars and sweets
Research is beginning to make the link between sugar’s ability to raise levels of inflammation throughout the brain and body to higher incidences of depression. For example, a study published in the JAMA Psychiatry discovered that brain inflammation was 30 percent higher in clinically depressed patients.

Another study found that patients who took medication to reduce inflammation due to autoimmune or inflammatory disease were less likely to develop symptoms of depression. These findings further underscore a link between the effects of sugar in causing inflammation and increased incidence of depression. Reducing your intake of sugary foods and replacing them with anti-inflammatory choices can improve your mood.

2. Refined carbohydrates
Simple, refined carbohydrates have been in the spotlight in recent years for their lack of nutrients and contributions to the growing obesity epidemic. But Columbia University researchers wanted to find out if those simple carbs could also spark depression. With data gleaned from the Women’s Health Initiative, tracking more than 70,000 women, the study results showed that the higher a woman’s blood sugar jumped after consuming sugar and refined grains, the greater her risk of developing depression.

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers noted that their study also showed the opposite to be true: women consuming a diet high in whole grains and healthy produce reduced their risk of depression.

3. Trans fats
You have probably heard that healthy fats and oils, like extra virgin olive oil, can lower your risk of several serious health conditions, including heart disease and depression. But the opposite is also true. Research has shown that consuming too many unhealthy trans fats can increase your chances of depression by as much as 48 percent.

4. Artificial sweeteners
If you are thinking about giving up sugar and satisfying your sweet tooth with foods laden with aspartame, think again. While you may be able to reduce your calories, these sugar alternatives are best avoided if you already suffer from symptoms of depression because research has shown they can drastically worsen symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Northwestern Ohio had to stop a study of artificial sweeteners because some participants developed suicidal thoughts. Those individuals who did not previously suffer from depression were not affected in the same way, although there is evidence that artificial sweeteners can significantly lower serotonin levels in the brain.

Choosing a healthy diet to promote mental health

Nearly all scientific studies examining the link between poor diet and mental illnesses like depression have been focused on a specific food. But research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry looked at the diets of 3,000 people and found that those who ate the most processed foods, had a much higher rate of depression while those who ate primarily whole foods saw their rate of depression drop.

Choosing a healthy diet dominated by whole foods, complex carbohydrates and natural fruit-derived sweeteners not only helps you manage your weight and reduce chances of serious illness, but it can improve your mental health as well. Clear your kitchen of processed foods, sugary snacks and artery-clogging trans fats. Not only will you improve your physical health, but you can expect to see your mood brighten as well.





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Strong link between low omega-3 blood levels and depression


blood-sample(NaturalHealth365) A new Japanese study has found a significant correlation between depression symptoms and low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the bloodstream.  The study results also underscore the need to reduce inflammation in order to avoid health issues, such as depression.

Depression affects about 6.7 percent of adults in the United States and is even higher in persons over the age of 40.  The prescription drugs so often prescribed to treat depression tend only to be partially effective. These drugs are also linked with a wide range of unwanted side effects such as nausea, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts.

Omega-3 helps to reduce inflammation – one of the precursors to depression

The Japanese study results show a strong connection between depression and chronic inflammation in the body. Because of this, key supplements with proven anti-inflammatory effects such as omega-3s are crucial in reducing the symptoms of depression.

The study evaluated over 2,100 persons age 40 or older who were evaluated using a standard 20 question test for depression. Their blood then was tested for levels of different fatty acid types. The results showed that the persons who had the lowest omega-3 levels tended to have the highest risk of depression. Conversely, higher levels of omega-3s corresponded with a lowered risk of depressive symptoms by as much as 43 percent.

The list of benefits of omega-3 keeps growing

The subjects were tested further based on specific types of fatty acids, namely DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Both compounds were correlated with combating depression, with high levels of DHA reducing the risk of depression by 42 percent, and high EPA levels lowering risk by 36 percent.

The study results have profound implications.  Inflammation is more prevalent in everyone after age 40, which means that in addition to other medical conditions, their mental health could be at risk. However, taking a dietary supplement rich in omega-3s including DHA and EPA could provide protection and relief. This is particularly important for persons who have a history of depression.

Omega-3s have a multitude of other health effects as well, including benefits to metabolic and cardiovascular health. They reduce the risk of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, and many other diseases that are associated with aging.

Additional studies support the benefits of omega-3 – taken daily

A number of other studies show the protective effect and benefits of omega-3 and fish oil supplementation for protection against depression.  As a side note, the antidepressant drug citalopram was found to be more effective when patients took an omega-3 supplement.  So, even if you feel compelled to take prescription medication – don’t ignore the value of omega-3 supplements.

By the way, the daily dose of omega-3 was two 1,000 mg capsules – twice daily – for a total of 4,000 mg per day.

Another study found persons in treatment for hepatitis C had significantly reduced depressive episodes when they took an EPA supplement daily. In addition, omega-3s have also been shown to reduce inflammation and depression in patients being treated for kidney issues.

Remember, the value of taking a daily omega-3 supplement is clear, especially after the age of 40.  Fight the effects of aging and reduce your risk of depression by ensuring you get enough omega-3s.








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Depression, anxiety, and PTSD get reduced by spending time in nature


depression-solution-walking(NaturalHealth365) Everyone knows how good it feels to be in a natural environment. Now scientific research is proving the strong relationship between spending (more) time in nature and feeling less depression and anxiety. This is particularly important for those suffering with PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.

A study by the Institute for European environmental Policy (IEEP) found that persons living close to natural spaces were less likely to suffer from depression and obesity. They were also more naturally active, bringing them the additional mood-boosting brain and body chemistry of exercise.

Discover an all-natural anxiety and depression remedy with no (negative) side effects

This study found persons who lived close to nature had 16 percent lower death rates than those living in urban areas. This was true even for persons living in socially and financially deprived areas. Pregnant women living near green spaces tended to show higher birth weights while enjoying lower blood pressure throughout their pregnancies.

U.S. research has found patients in hospitals with tree views from their room windows were released a day sooner than those without. A 2015 study found an extra 10 trees on a city block in Toronto provided health benefits equaling $10,000 per year in extra annual income. These individuals also tested as seven years younger biologically.

Persons who have an active connection with nature also report fewer allergy issues, higher self-esteem, better mental health and higher overall levels of wellbeing. Researchers have concluded that the only way individuals and communities can truly thrive is by cultivating an ongoing connection with nature.

Lack of connection to nature contributes to anxiety, depression and severe mental illness

An Illinois study showed proximity to nature was associated with a lower murder rate in the neighborhood. A University of Sussex study found that even just the sounds of nature can enhance relaxation and increase wellness.

By contrast, a lack of connection to this natural depression treatment has been associated with some of the most severe forms of mental illness. In addition to anxiety and depression, PTSD, psychosis and schizophrenia have been reported. Episodes of psychosis, a total break from reality characterized by paranoia and hearing voices, is up to 40 percent higher in urban areas, according to King’s College London and Duke University researchers.

Not surprisingly, rates were even more pronounced in high-risk, high-crime areas. Persons with these issues tend to be at a higher risk for developing long-term mental illnesses. They are also more prone to suicidal thoughts and ending their life too soon.

Rates of children playing outside daily down at least 44 percent

A lack of available parks and green spaces in many cities could be partly to blame for these conditions. Technology also makes young people less apt to play outside; many choose instead to stay inside to use a computer, smart device or video game console.

Think about this startling statistic: About 70 percent of U.S. mothers recall playing outside nearly every day when they were children. However, just 26 percent of their children do the same, these mothers report. Isn’t it incredible how much things have changed – in just one generation!

Making a concerted effort to get everyone outdoors more often could do wonders for your family’s health and wellbeing. Walking in a nearby park, planting extra greenery in your yard and cultivating house plants can all make a positive difference.

For better health and a more fulfilling life, do all you can to increase your exposure to the great outdoors. Your body (and mind) will thank you for the effort.

Sources for this article include:

The Guardian.com

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Emotional TRAGEDY: Antidepressants found to cause delayed depression, according to 10 experts


antidepressants(Naturalhealth365) Rates of depression in the United States have more than doubled in the past few decades. In the years between 1991 and 2002 alone, the prevalence of major depression rose from 3.33 percent to 7.06 percent – and it continues to rise. A growing number of researchers and mental health professionals believe they know the reason why and it’s not a lack of antidepressants in the diet.

In fact, in “The Sedated Society” – a book published by the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry, the authors make a compelling case against the widespread use of antidepressants. Not only are these drugs unhelpful in treating depression, they maintain, but they can actually cause it.

If you know anyone taking antidepressant medication – share this news (below) with them and help prevent years of avoidable emotional pain.

Most depressed patients will experience a recurrence – despite years of maintenance on drugs

According to a review published in Medical Hypothesis, up to 80 percent of patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder will experience a recurrence – despite a constant ‘maintenance dose’ of an antidepressant.

The prevalence of treatment-resistant depression – in which patients have relapses of depression even while on antidepressants – has increased among depressed individuals, rising from 10 to 15 percent in the early 1990s to roughly 40 percent in 2006.

Not only do antidepressants not treat depression, but they may actually contribute to it, causing a “chronic depressive syndrome.” In other words, treating resistant and chronic depression with antidepressants not only worsens the condition – but makes the depression permanent.

Ten renowned mental health experts unite to condemn antidepressants

Ten different experts collaborated on The Sedated Society, a scathing evaluation of the adverse effects of antidepressants – and of pharmaceutical companies’ flawed studies and deliberate manipulation of data.

The authors flatly state that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and anti-psychotic medications are no better than placebo for treating depression.

According to co-author Dr. Peter Gotzsche, a noted clinical researcher at the University of Copenhagen, the drugs fail to treat mental or emotional problems. “There is no justification for lifelong use,” Dr. Gotzsche says of antidepressants.

The book also details the experiences of Luke Montagu, also known in the United Kingdom as Viscount Hinchingbrooke. Montagu was on antianxiety medication for two decades – before discontinuing it and suffering a grueling withdrawal that he says lasted for years. “Antidepressants ruined my life,” Montagu says.

Study scandal: Prozac trials marked by manipulation of data and concealed results

Dr. Gotzsche maintains that pharmaceutical companies conceal and suppress unfavorable studies – while cherry-picking only favorable data from others.

For example, Dr. Gotzsche says that 25 percent of participants in a Prozac trial were also given a tranquilizer in order to mitigate the risk of suicide. In addition, Dr. Gotzsche reports that researchers violated the randomized, double-blind protocols that lend credibility to medical studies.

Psychiatrist Dr. Sami Timimi, another of the book’s co-authors, agrees. Studies on Prozac (fluoxetine) conducted by the National Institutes of Health actually showed it worked no better than placebo, Dr. Timimi maintains. However, the statistics were skewed to make it look as if Prozac were more effective.

Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, yet another co-author, maintains that GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers of Seroxat, suppressed trials that showed that their antidepressant increased the risk of suicide in children.

The motive for the fraud, says Dr.Gotzsche was purely financial. (As usual, the pharmaceutical industry will do anything to protect its profits).

Warning: Antidepressants are toxic and addictive

The philosophy behind antidepressants is that depressed people have lower levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps maintain stable mood. SSRIs are intended to slow the breakdown of serotonin in the brain – leaving more available for longer periods of time.

Dr. Gotzsche notes that there is no research showing a link between serotonin levels in the brain and depression – and says there is no evidence that SSRIs correct brain chemistry.

In fact, he maintains that they cause brain damage. Animal studies have shown that antidepressants can shrink the connections between brain cells – which don’t regenerate.

Side effects of SSRIs can include diminished sex drive and tardive dyskinesia – a disorder causing involuntary, repetitive muscle movements. Damage can persist long after the patient has stopped taking them.

Withdrawal from SSRIs can cause severe symptoms, which could include akathisia – an intense compulsion to move. Akathisia may be accompanied by an inability to sit still, pacing, anxiety, panic attacks and aggression. According to Dr. Breggin, akathisia can predispose sufferers to violence against themselves or others.

Antidepressants cause a short-term lift, but long-term misery

Dr. Robert Whitaker, a co-author and psychiatrist, acknowledges that patients taking antidepressants do experience a lessening of symptoms – over the short term. But this temporary improvement, says Whitaker, is not any more pronounced than what is seen in patients treated with a placebo.

Clearly, antidepressant medications provide short-term benefits – but poorer outcomes in the long term.

Researcher Rif El-Mallakh, M.D., uses the phrase “tardive dysphoria” to describe the consequences of SSRIs. A play on words involving the term “tardive dyskinesia,” the phrase references the “delayed unhappiness” that antidepressants can produce.

As The Sedated Society reports, non-depressed individuals given antidepressants for other problems often become significantly depressed – with the depressive condition persisting long after the antidepressants are discontinued.

APA treatment guidelines for major depression call for long-term drug use

Of course, antidepressant medication is currently the order of the day in psychiatric medicine. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) treatment guidelines for major depressive disorder, an antidepressant medication that produced symptom remission during the acute and continuation phases of treatment should be continued at a full therapeutic dose.

A national follow-up study published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics examined the long-term consequences of antidepressant therapy, evaluating patients nine years after treatment.

The results were stunning.

The researchers found that depressive symptoms were higher after treatment with medication – as opposed to after treatment without medication. And, among people with major depressive disorder, symptoms were higher (after treatment that included medication) than if they had undergone no treatment at all.

The team noted that their study suggested “possible long-term iatrogenic (medically caused) effects of antidepressants.”
If the authors of “The Sedated Society” are correct, millions of people are being prescribed medications that cause the very syndrome that they are meant to treat – a truly tragic situation.

Sources for this article include:


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Smartphone addiction causing depression and anxiety


smartphone(NaturalHealth365) There has been a growing concern over smartphone usage and the levels of artificial EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) they emit. Many scientists and integrative healthcare providers clearly warn us that these frequency vibrations alter brainwaves – as well as the function of our cells plus emotional well-being.

Now, new data out of Korea University in Seoul, South Korea and presented by the Radiological Society of North America shows that the overuse of smartphones and the internet is creating a chemical imbalance in the brain that leads to anxiety and depression within the user.

Evidence shows a smartphone lifestyle is altering brain function and behavior

A Pew Research Center study has found that 46 percent of Americans believe they “could not live” without a smartphone. For many of us, the convenience of a smartphone for accessing the internet and staying in touch with the latest news and social media posts is a way of life.

However, there’s growing concern that people – young people in particular – are spending far too much time interfacing with their phones rather than other human beings. This calls into question what the short and long-term effects of a smartphone lifestyle will do to future generations.

The Korea University in Seoul researchers used magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a type of MRI for the brain, to study teenagers with a professed addiction to smartphones and the internet.

Nineteen male smartphone users with an average age of around 15.5 were studied, as well as a control group of an additional 19 males without smartphone addiction. Of the 19 addicted males, 12 received cognitive behavioral therapy for 9 weeks. The therapy was modified from a therapy program administered for online gaming addictions.

There are effective therapies for anxiety and depression caused by smartphone use and EMF exposure

Standardized tests related to technology addiction were used to determine the severity in each user. Responses regarding the impact of smartphone use on social life, daily routines, sleep, productivity and feelings were assessed.

It was found that addicted teenagers had much higher levels of anxiety, depression and insomnia.  The magnetic resonance spectroscopy testing showed that GABA levels were significantly increased in the addicted persons versus Glx.

And, just to be clear, GABA is a brain neurotransmitter that regulates brain signals, and Glx causes excitability in the neurons. This imbalance correlates closely with anxiety, depression and addictive behavior patterns.

However, the addicted teenagers who received cognitive therapy showed a marked improvement in their GABA to Glx ratios. In some cases, their brains normalized completely.

Limit smartphone use in your family for better health

We know – based on good science – that smartphone use has been linked with a higher risk of brain cancer and heart tumors, according to a U.S. National Toxicology Program study. It should be noted that children’s brains can absorb up to 10 times as much EMF pollution as adults, putting them at a far higher risk for the dangers of EMF exposure from technology.

Bottom line: the younger the child, the higher the risk.

If you must use your smartphone, use a hands-free device for listening to audio or speaking on the phone. Limit (or ban) your children’s use of a smartphone. Turn the phone off when not in use and don’t ever sleep with it next to your bedside.

Encourage your children to take breaks from their phones and the internet and play outside for a change! Time in nature does everyone good and will always help to offset the effects of EMF exposure.

Sources for this article include:


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Lower the risk of depression by increasing your intake of raw fruits and vegetables



(NaturalHealth365) While eating fruits and vegetables, in any form, is beneficial to our health – eating them in their raw form seems to have a particularly positive effect on mental wellbeing, according to new research.

Public health campaigns tend to mainly focus on the recommended quantity of fruit and vegetables to be consumed – with a standard recommendation of ‘five servings per day.’  But, there’s so much more to consider – especially if you want to avoid depression or any other serious health condition.

Direct link between eating raw fruits and vegetables and your mood

In short, the more pure and unmodified the fruit or vegetable, the better the health benefits to mood and state of mind. Cooking, processing and heating fruits and vegetables can change the cellular structure of food – and reduce the levels of many (essential) nutrients.

In the study, over 400 young adults ages 18 to 25 from the U.S. and New Zealand were studied. Young adults were chosen because they typically consume the least amounts of fruits and vegetables and tend to be at a higher risk for mental health issues, according to the researchers.

The participants were studied in terms of cooked versus raw fruits and vegetables consumed and their mental health status.  Variables related to lifestyle and demographics were also factored in, such as sleep and exercise patterns, socioeconomic status and current physical health.

Raw dark leafy greens, citrus fruits and dark colored berries top list of mood-enhancing foods

The researchers found a direct and undeniable link between raw fruit and vegetable consumption and a lowered risk of depression and other mental health issues.

Those who eat more raw fruits and vegetables also tend to have a more positive mood and outlook on life. They experience increased levels of life satisfaction and are more likely to thrive and flourish in life. Those who ate cooked fruits and vegetables did not experience the same mental health benefits.

Researchers found that the top foods to improve mood and mental health included dark leafy greens – like kale and collard green, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, kiwifruit, apples, grapefruit and other citrus fruits, bananas and fresh berries.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of chronic inflammation

Unhealthy eating patterns have already been linked with chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and increased incidence of stroke. However, as we can see, our eating habits can also profoundly affect our mood and mental health, as this study shows.

Sugar, chemicals and preservatives in processed foods tend to increase the risk of chronic inflammation – which is a precursor to many health conditions (mentioned above), including depression.

The moral of the story? Keep eating those fruits and vegetables and strive to “go raw” as much as you can. (enjoy!)

Sources for this article include:


jonathan landsmanAbout the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of NaturalHealth365.com, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.

Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.

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Sunlight therapy lowers ADHD, autism and depression


Sunlight Helps ADHD(NaturalHealth365) Do you think sunlight is healing to the human body? Unfortunately, many people have been victimized by the brainwashing marketing campaigns of the sunscreen industry and conventional dermatology. The big question remains – can sunlight actually help kids and adults recover from ADHD, autism and depression?

In the 1990’s and early 2000’s, the sun received a lot of negative publicity. Associations with skin cancer put fear into us as well as slathering sunscreen on our kids to assure they did not get burned. But within the last few years, the knowledge that the sun is healing – particularly for conditions such as ADHD and autism is causing some parents to forgo the sunscreen and embrace the sun for therapeutic benefits.

ADHD rates tend to be lower in sunny states

ADHD is the most common psychiatric childhood disorder impacting between 5-7% of children worldwide. Identified risk factors include premature birth, low birth weight, mother’s use of alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy and exposure to toxic substances such as lead.

A study published in Biological Psychiatry discovered another risk factor – lack of solar intensity. Researchers collected and analyzed multiple data sets from the United States and nine other countries and found that regions with high sunlight intensity had a lower prevalence of ADHD.

They suggest that high sunlight intensity may exert a protective effect for ADHD.

A paper published in Psychology Today states that sun intensity itself could be responsible for about 34-41% of the variance in ADHD diagnoses in different areas in children in the U.S.

Lack of sunlight exposure is linked to autism

Doctors in Sweden are seeing a rise in autism in the Somali population that has moved to Sweden. It is thought that the lack of sunlight in Sweden, combined with sunscreen and precautions to avoid sun exposure, is contributing to depression and autism. The incident of Somali children being diagnosed with autism is higher than those children still being raised in Somalia.

Researchers suspect one factor is insufficient sunlight to build up vitamin D levels. They state that dark-skinned people demand significantly more sunlight to enable vitamin D to build up in the skin.

Research, out of Denmark, has also found a correlation between the month a baby is born and their risk for autism. They found that children born in the fall and winter were almost twice as likely to have jaundice versus those born in the spring and summer. Babies who developed jaundice were 67% more likely to be diagnosed with autism during early childhood.

Exposure to sunlight breaks down bilirubin and is considered protective against jaundice. So making sure pregnant women are exposed to the sun can help protect you and your baby.

Sunlight proves to be great for depressed people

A study published in Environmental Health – which included over 14,000 people – found a link between lack of sunlight, depression and a decline in cognitive skills. The researchers state that sunlight regulates the hormones serotonin and melatonin as well as affects brain blood flower, which can impact mood and cognitive functions.

When sunlight hits the retina it stimulates the optic nerve which sends a signal to your brain to produce serotonin and melatonin and it has been reported that for depression, bright light works faster than medication – usually within a week. In fact, over fifteen controlled studies have shown that bright light is helpful for those suffering depression.

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About the author: Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is a clinical and classical homeopath and certified clinical nutritionist who utilizes a unique approach pioneered by Tinus Smits, M.D. called CEASE therapy. The aim of CEASE treatment is systematic detoxification of the causes of illness, leading to step by step improvement and restoration of health in the individual. For additional information, please visit – Healing4Soul.com. You can follow Sima on Facebook at ‘Cease Therapy California’ and through her weekly blog on NaturalHealth365.com


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How taurine deficiency can cause brain shrinkage, anxiety and depression


brain-stress(NaturalHealth365) Although you may not have heard of taurine, a lack of this important amino acid could result in a whole host of serious health problems. Taurine has been linked to brain function, heart and kidney function, and mental wellness, among other health conditions.

Because symptoms are so broad, it’s possible to suffer from a taurine deficiency and not even realize it. But the toll it takes on your health will be noticeable. You could even be doing things, like consuming foods containing MSG, that reduce the amount of taurine available to your body.

Good reason why the body needs taurine

Taurine is an amino acid that your body can make from two other amino acids, cysteine and methionine. Low taurine levels have been found in patients suffering from a long list of conditions, including hypertension, anxiety, depression, gout, hypothyroidism, autism, obesity, kidney failure and infertility, among others.

Taurine plays a critical role in several of the body’s systems, including cardiac function, brain and nervous system and vision. Research also shows that taurine promotes new brain cell formation and restoration of aging brain cells.

But taurine plays additional roles as well. It works as an antioxidant, removing potentially damaging oxidizing agents. Taurine also plays a critical role in detoxifying the body. It aids in fat absorption and elimination of toxins, while also helping to eliminate cholesterol through bile.

The connection between taurine deficiency and chronic diseases

There are a number of symptoms that can signal a taurine deficiency, including feelings of anxiety, depression, insomnia, restlessness, migraines, insomnia, agitation, irritability, and obsessions. It’s quite possible to be suffering a taurine deficiency without even recognizing it.

You are also at greater risk if you are obese, a smoker or have heart disease. Low or high levels of iron in the blood can also be a signal of taurine deficiency. Certain medical conditions can set the stage for taurine deficiency as well. For example, if you suffer from candida or are infected with disease-producing anaerobic bacteria, you are more likely to be at risk.

When should I get tested for a taurine deficiency?

You may want to consider being tested for a taurine deficiency if you have any of the symptoms noted above. You may also want to consider being tested if you are under heavy physical demands, or if you suspect intestinal, immune system or liver problems.

Animal and fish protein, eggs and brewer’s yeast are some of the best dietary sources for ensuring adequate amounts of taurine. According to Dr. Leonard Smith, surgeon and expert in the use of nutrition and natural supplementation, the most accurate test for taurine is a whole blood test.

He suggests expectant mothers and breastfeeding mothers should also be tested. Taurine deficiency can be particularly risky for fetuses and newborns.

What are the best recommendations for supplementation? Dr. Smith notes that recommended supplemental dosages of taurine range from 500 mg to 6 g. Signs of toxicity from too much taurine are peptic ulcers and diarrhea.

The recommended dosage for adults is 13-16 mg. per 2.2 lbs. of bodyweight. Infants and small children need only take 27-58 mg. per 2.2 lbs. of body weight.

Keep in mind, certain health conditions will warrant different dosages. For example, if you suffer from heart disease, you will want to take 5 to 6 grams of a taurine supplement, divided into three dosages.


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NH365 058: Defeating depression – How food affects your thoughts and emotions


naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Globally speaking, depression affects about 350 million people and can cause a wide variety of serious health problems including cancer. But, the most disturbing aspect of this condition is the way that conventional medicine handles the situation. At a quick glance, talking about problems and prescribing medications may seem reasonable but never address the underlying cause of depression.

Bottom line: If you’re suffering with anxiety, sleep disorders connected to emotional upset and obsessive thoughts or any other mood swings that limit your ability to enjoy life – this program will provide real solutions you can immediately use in your life.


Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, I’ll introduce you to Jo Rushton, a two time #1 Amazon Best Selling author, Founder of the Energy Coaching Institute and My Life Delicious. Jo speaks internationally on a wide variety of health topics and is a qualified celebrity chef – focused on high performance nutrition.

A leading expert featured on both Healthy ME and 4ME free to air television produced by Brand New Media in Australia, Jo also has a private practice, working with individuals, families and corporations, leading the way in preventative and corrective health, committed to empowering individuals to transform their way of thinking; improve personal health; achieve personal goals and to make a difference in their daily life.

Links related to the show:

Click here to purchase the Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit

Here’s what you will discover:

  • Specific foods, recipes and meal plans to reduce anxiety
  • Specific supplements to support my mood and improve brain function
  • Techniques to enhance the quality of my sleep & balance the rhythms of my body for improved rest and recovery
  • Tools to improve my digestion, metabolism and hormonal balance
  • Movements and exercises to reduce anxiety and lift my mood
  • Simple daily rituals to reduce my risk of depression and anxiety
  • How to protect myself and my family from EMF stress at home and at work
  • Methods that will improve my relationship to myself and others

Click here to order today!

Summit registration is FREE and you’ll receive these great gifts!

Gift #1: “The Last 4 Doctors” (You’ll Ever Need) – eBook by Paul Chek, internationally-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology


  • Meet your 4 Drs – Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Movement and Dr. Happiness
  • Learn to work with your 4 Doctors to balance your body, mind and spirit
  • Filled with audio and video lessons

Gift #2: “Unseen Forces” – eBook by Brent Phillips, was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle when his arm (immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after a single session of energy healing!


  • Learn why 99% of people fail with the law of attraction alone
  • Discover the unseen forces that rule our lives and sabotage our personal power through negative thoughts
  • Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and take back control

Gift #3: A webinar presentation on MTHFR by Carolny Ledowsky, a Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist


  • How MTHFR affects anxiety and depression
  • What steps you can take to help reduce these affects

Meet our special guest, Jo Rushton

jo-rushtonJoanna Rushton is the host of the “Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit”, 2-time #1 Amazon Best Selling author, Founder of the Energy Coaching Institute and My Life Delicious. Jo is a Faculty Member of the CHEK Institute and teaches Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) Levels 1 and 2 across Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada.

She speaks internationally on health, nutrition, wellness and lifestyle. She’s a qualified celebrity chef who focuses on high performance nutrition. Jo is a leading expert featured on both Healthy ME and 4ME free to air television produced by Brand New Media in Australia.

In addition, Jo heads a multi-disciplinary private practice, working with individuals, families and corporations, leading the way in preventative and corrective health, committed to empowering individuals to transform their way of thinking; improve personal health; achieve personal goals and make a difference in their daily life and the lives of those they touch

Editor’s note: I instantly connected with Jo and although we don’t know each other that long – I admire her passion and dedication to helping others live a more productive (happy) life.

If you know someone suffering with depression or anxiety – tell them that solutions are available right now.  Gain INSTANT access to the “Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit” – order today!

The post NH365 058: Defeating depression – How food affects your thoughts and emotions appeared first on Natural Health 365.

Medical doctor gets blacklisted for telling the truth about depression


dr-kelly-brogan(NaturalHealth365) It’s a topic that has many of her fellow psychiatrists squirming, but Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., did not anticipate the cold reception she received from major media with the launch of her new book, “A Mind of Your Own.” In it, she openly advocates a non-toxic treatment protocol to eliminate depression in women (and men) plus highlights the misuse of drugs as the go-to cure for mental illnesses.

Clearly, the days are past when the editorial departments of news organizations made a big deal out of separating themselves from the advertising departments. In this age of blurred lines between mainstream media and social media, and between news and advertorials, the hunt for the lion’s share of advertising dollars has left objective news coverage scarce. All the better to seek the truth from experts willing to tell the truth—like Dr. Kelly Brogan.

Editor’s note: Get your copy of “A Mind of Your Own” today!  Let’s make this book the ‘most read’ book about depression and, at the same time, show big pharma that the truth can NOT be suppressed!

Conventional drug treatments will never cure depression

Dr. Brogan began her career path like many psychiatrists. A Manhattan-based holistic women’s health psychiatrist, she graduated from Cornell University Medical College, completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center, and holds a B.S. from MIT in Systems Neuroscience.  After years of conventional training, Dr. Brogan – a board certified psychiatrist – came to realize that toxic-drug ‘therapies’ failed to offer a solution and quickly developed an integrative (holistic) medical practice.

Dr. Brogan discovered conventional modes of treatment – characterized by heavy reliance on pharmaceuticals – was actually doing a huge injustice to her patients and her practice.  Her discovery of natural methods for controlling depression, particularly in women, through the use of diet and other means, is at the heart of her book, A Mind of Your Own.

So monumental is her journey that prominent New York book dealers were lined up at her door, hoping to successfully win the rights to her new book. Her publisher, HarperCollins, offered a lucrative book deal and made barely a mark to her original manuscript. But that is where her journey took a different turn.

While pre-release sales on Amazon.com catapulted her book to number one in several categories, her new publisher was surprised to find the galley shunned by major media, with none of the expected invitations to for appearances or tours.  So, what’s the reason for the ‘silent treatment?’

Those major media outlets are supported in large part with advertising dollars from big pharma.  Inviting Dr. Brogan as a guest and allowing her to speak the truth about the dangers of pharmaceutical use in treating depression would put all that revenue at risk, a step the major media outlets refused to take.

Let’s brush aside the pharmaceutical companies and support the truth

That’s why Dr. Brogan is enlisting the help of individuals like you, who already understand the need to ensure the truth reaches the masses. Not only about the over-use of pharmaceuticals in the treatment of depression in women, but the misuse of drugs to treat mental health issues in general.

Show the mainstream media and those big corporate controllers that the grassroots movement is alive and well, and that the truth about safe, natural and effective remedies cannot be silenced.

Start here by buying a copy of Dr. Brogan’s book, A Mind of Your Own.  Then, take steps to promote her book so that a broader population can understand what is going on in the treatment of depression in women and why it is so harmful.

Call your local bookstore and ask them to stock the book if they don’t already have it on their shelves, then buy copies for your friends and family members.  Use your social media accounts to promote Dr. Brogan’s book using the hashtag #amindofyourown.

Take a selfie with your copy and tag your location.

Let’s boost Dr. Brogan’s book to the top of the New York Bestseller’s List!  Together, we can show big pharma that dollars are not going to get in the way of promoting the truth about natural healing.

The post Medical doctor gets blacklisted for telling the truth about depression appeared first on Natural Health 365.

NH365 064: Curing depression and anxiety – Suppressed solutions revealed


naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) In 60 years, not a single study has proven that depression or anxiety, for that matter, is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. In fact, there has never been a human study proving that low serotonin levels actually cause depression. Simply put, the ‘serotonin theory’ of depression is a myth, according to Dr. Kelly Brogan, Board Certified in Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, you’ll discover many of the greatest myths surrounding depression and anxiety; why antidepressants actually threaten your life and those around you; and, more importantly, how to completely eliminate the pain of depression naturally without a single prescription drug.

Get ready! Because the information you’re about to hear has been systematically suppressed by the mainstream media and conventional medicine for too long and will truly transform your life for the better.

Links related to the show:

1. Get a copy of “A Mind of Your Own” by Kelly Brogan, MD today!

Special offer: Email us your book receipt and receive a special gift from NaturalHealth365 – a FREE transcript “Viral Disease: A Natural Solution for Colds and Flu

2. Subscribe to the NaturalHealth365 newsletter to receive our FREE shows, lots of great health gifts + the latest news and information on natural health solutions.

Program highlights:

Discover what drove Dr. Brogan to write A Mind of Your Own and find out why this book is being blacklisted by major media outlets.

Why Dr. Brogan dedicated her book to the work of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. This is a revealing (quite personal) conversation between Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Brogan.

Find out why the ‘serotonin theory’ is a complete myth – NOT based on science.

A shocking look at the unreported dangers associated with antidepressants.

The biggest mistake surrounding our understanding of genetics and its role in causing depression.

Learn about the greatest triggers for depression and how can we avoid its influence.

Meet the doctor blacklisted by mainstream media outlets

Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a Manhattan-based holistic women’s health psychiatrist, author of the book, A Mind of Your Own, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from MIT in Systems Neuroscience.

Dr. Brogan is board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and integrative holistic medicine, and is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. She is on the board of GreenMedInfo, Functional Medicine University, Pathways to Family Wellness, NYS Perinatal Association, and Fisher Wallace, Medical Director for Fearless Parent, and board member for Health Freedom Action and the peer-reviewed, indexed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. She is a mother of two.

Order your copy of “A Mind of Your Own” today!

The post NH365 064: Curing depression and anxiety – Suppressed solutions revealed appeared first on Natural Health 365.

3 ways to beat depression naturally


woman-happy-in-grass(NaturalHealth365) Looking for a natural treatment for depression?  Well, get ready for some great news.  Because we have 3 highly effective alternatives to toxic medication.

We know that millions of Americans deal with depression on a regular basis. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.7% of U.S. adults have faced a major depressive disorder in the past year and the problem is worldwide.

A failed system: Conventional medicine is too quick to offer antidepressant medication as the go-to treatment for depression.  However, many of these drugs bring a range of harmful and dangerous side effects. The truth is there are many natural ways to combat depression. The following are three of the most effective:

Turmeric (curcumin) shown to be a natural treatment for depression without negative side effects

Turmeric is a delicious spice found in Indian and Asian cooking. It is also extremely beneficial when used therapeutically for depression.

Studies have found that turmeric, also referred to as curcumin, can stop depression as effectively as antidepressant drugs – and without the negative and harmful side effects often associated with them. Researchers believe that it inhibits the depression enzyme monoamine oxidase. Curcumin also boosts the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which help to reduce depression as well as anxiety.

In contrast, common pharmaceutical medications like Prozac can cause side effects like sleep disturbances, anxiety, schizophrenic behavior and suicidal ideation.

The study found that using 500 mg of standardized, bioavailable curcumin extract twice per day was effective against major depressive disorder. Absorption is enhanced by taking it with healthy fats like avocado, olive oil or coconut oil.

Niacin (vitamin B3) has been easing depression successfully for decades

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is another potent depression and anxiety cure. It has been studied extensively by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. and has been found to be safe, affordable and highly effective against depression and other mental disorders.

Vitamin B3 is also effective against anxiety, alcoholism, and even schizophrenia. Those with depression should strongly consider avoiding the hazards of antidepressant side effects in favor of a natural cure like niacin:

Beat depression and improve brain function with a healthy diet

Finally, one of the top depression cures that’s readily available to anyone is a healthy diet. It is as simple as making the proper choices every week at the grocery store.

Treatment for depression through diet can be accomplished by favoring foods high in polyphenols. These compounds are prevalent in plant foods and are effective in reducing oxidative stress and improving synaptic plasticity in the brain.

A 2012 study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience showed showed that polyphenols improved cognitive functioning as well as psychiatric disorders like depression.  A British Journal of Health Psychology study found that diets high in fruits and vegetables improved both mood and brain functioning.

Foods richest in polyphenols include blueberries, blackberries, flax seeds, hazelnuts, dark chocolate and herbal teas. Foods high in omega 3s such as oily fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, and legumes are also effective against depression. Avoiding gluten, artificial ingredients and processed foods will boost your mood and promotes clarity of thought.

So, as you can see, a natural treatment for depression is not only safe and effective but, it’s available to all of us now.  If you suffer from depression, don’t become a victim of poor medical advice.  Work with a qualified healthcare provider (if needed) – who appreciates the power of nutrition to heal the body.










The post 3 ways to beat depression naturally appeared first on Natural Health 365.

Top foods that cause depression and destroy your mental wellbeing


depression(NaturalHealth365)  Could depression be caused by your diet?  The link between unhealthy eating habits and chronic disease and disorders, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and increased incidence of stroke, are well known.  But, what about emotional wellbeing?

There is a growing body of evidence showing a strong connection between mental and emotional health, and a diet dominated by processed foods and refined sugar.

The link between sugar and depression

1. Sugars and sweets
Research is beginning to make the link between sugar’s ability to raise levels of inflammation throughout the brain and body to higher incidences of depression. For example, a study published in the JAMA Psychiatry discovered that brain inflammation was 30 percent higher in clinically depressed patients.

Another study found that patients who took medication to reduce inflammation due to autoimmune or inflammatory disease were less likely to develop symptoms of depression. These findings further underscore a link between the effects of sugar in causing inflammation and increased incidence of depression. Reducing your intake of sugary foods and replacing them with anti-inflammatory choices can improve your mood.

2. Refined carbohydrates
Simple, refined carbohydrates have been in the spotlight in recent years for their lack of nutrients and contributions to the growing obesity epidemic. But Columbia University researchers wanted to find out if those simple carbs could also spark depression. With data gleaned from the Women’s Health Initiative, tracking more than 70,000 women, the study results showed that the higher a woman’s blood sugar jumped after consuming sugar and refined grains, the greater her risk of developing depression.

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers noted that their study also showed the opposite to be true: women consuming a diet high in whole grains and healthy produce reduced their risk of depression.

3. Trans fats
You have probably heard that healthy fats and oils, like extra virgin olive oil, can lower your risk of several serious health conditions, including heart disease and depression. But the opposite is also true. Research has shown that consuming too many unhealthy trans fats can increase your chances of depression by as much as 48 percent.

4. Artificial sweeteners
If you are thinking about giving up sugar and satisfying your sweet tooth with foods laden with aspartame, think again. While you may be able to reduce your calories, these sugar alternatives are best avoided if you already suffer from symptoms of depression because research has shown they can drastically worsen symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Northwestern Ohio had to stop a study of artificial sweeteners because some participants developed suicidal thoughts. Those individuals who did not previously suffer from depression were not affected in the same way, although there is evidence that artificial sweeteners can significantly lower serotonin levels in the brain.

Choosing a healthy diet to promote mental health

Nearly all scientific studies examining the link between poor diet and mental illnesses like depression have been focused on a specific food. But research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry looked at the diets of 3,000 people and found that those who ate the most processed foods, had a much higher rate of depression while those who ate primarily whole foods saw their rate of depression drop.

Choosing a healthy diet dominated by whole foods, complex carbohydrates and natural fruit-derived sweeteners not only helps you manage your weight and reduce chances of serious illness, but it can improve your mental health as well. Clear your kitchen of processed foods, sugary snacks and artery-clogging trans fats. Not only will you improve your physical health, but you can expect to see your mood brighten as well.





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Strong link between low omega-3 blood levels and depression


blood-sample(NaturalHealth365) A new Japanese study has found a significant correlation between depression symptoms and low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the bloodstream.  The study results also underscore the need to reduce inflammation in order to avoid health issues, such as depression.

Depression affects about 6.7 percent of adults in the United States and is even higher in persons over the age of 40.  The prescription drugs so often prescribed to treat depression tend only to be partially effective. These drugs are also linked with a wide range of unwanted side effects such as nausea, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts.

Omega-3 helps to reduce inflammation – one of the precursors to depression

The Japanese study results show a strong connection between depression and chronic inflammation in the body. Because of this, key supplements with proven anti-inflammatory effects such as omega-3s are crucial in reducing the symptoms of depression.

The study evaluated over 2,100 persons age 40 or older who were evaluated using a standard 20 question test for depression. Their blood then was tested for levels of different fatty acid types. The results showed that the persons who had the lowest omega-3 levels tended to have the highest risk of depression. Conversely, higher levels of omega-3s corresponded with a lowered risk of depressive symptoms by as much as 43 percent.

The list of benefits of omega-3 keeps growing

The subjects were tested further based on specific types of fatty acids, namely DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Both compounds were correlated with combating depression, with high levels of DHA reducing the risk of depression by 42 percent, and high EPA levels lowering risk by 36 percent.

The study results have profound implications.  Inflammation is more prevalent in everyone after age 40, which means that in addition to other medical conditions, their mental health could be at risk. However, taking a dietary supplement rich in omega-3s including DHA and EPA could provide protection and relief. This is particularly important for persons who have a history of depression.

Omega-3s have a multitude of other health effects as well, including benefits to metabolic and cardiovascular health. They reduce the risk of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, and many other diseases that are associated with aging.

Additional studies support the benefits of omega-3 – taken daily

A number of other studies show the protective effect and benefits of omega-3 and fish oil supplementation for protection against depression.  As a side note, the antidepressant drug citalopram was found to be more effective when patients took an omega-3 supplement.  So, even if you feel compelled to take prescription medication – don’t ignore the value of omega-3 supplements.

By the way, the daily dose of omega-3 was two 1,000 mg capsules – twice daily – for a total of 4,000 mg per day.

Another study found persons in treatment for hepatitis C had significantly reduced depressive episodes when they took an EPA supplement daily. In addition, omega-3s have also been shown to reduce inflammation and depression in patients being treated for kidney issues.

Remember, the value of taking a daily omega-3 supplement is clear, especially after the age of 40.  Fight the effects of aging and reduce your risk of depression by ensuring you get enough omega-3s.








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Curcumin LOWERS the risk of depression and improves memory


depression-solutions(NaturalHealth365) If you love Indian or Thai food flavored with curry, you’re in ‘luck.’  In addition to being delicious, these foods have real health benefits.  Backed by science: UCLA researchers say that curcumin (found in the spice turmeric) can lower the risk of depression and improve your memory.

The research conducted was a placebo-controlled double-blind study of 40 adults aged 50 to 90 years. All had complained of mild memory issues and some reported issues with depression.  The participants were randomly assigned either 90 mg of curcumin twice daily or a placebo for 18 months.

The results?  The participants who took curcumin experienced ‘significant improvement in their memory and attention ability’ – while the placebo group saw no improvement. (details below)

Happy NEWS: Curcumin better than Prozac against depression

These results are extremely exciting for those suffering from age-related memory decline, mood issues or depression.  Curcumin supplements are easily absorbed and have few if any side effects.

This natural remedy clearly holds great promise for anyone prone to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia as well.

One of the markers of these brain diseases is the buildup of microscopic plaques and issues with tau and amyloid. Curcumin could help to slow or prevent this deterioration. The research results were published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

In cultures such as India where the spice turmeric is eaten almost daily, incidents of dementia are much lower than average. And, yes, curcumin is already known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and many studies about depression have found curcumin to be at least as effective as Prozac against the mood disorder.

Curcumin found to reduce risk factors linked to Alzheimer’s disease

All of the subjects received standardized cognitive assessments both at the study’s outset and at six-month intervals. Curcumin levels in their blood were monitored at the beginning and end of the study period. Three-fourths of the volunteers received PET scans to assess their brain levels of tau and amyloid, which are indicators of cognitive decline.

Those taking curcumin underwent marked improvements in attention, focus and memory, while those taking the placebo did not. The curcumin users’ memory also improved by 28 percent over the study period.

Mood was enhanced and depression symptoms reduced or eliminated. PET scans showed far less tau and amyloid in their brains. These improvements were especially noteworthy in the amygdala and hypothalamus areas of the brain, which help conduct memory and emotional functioning.

Dishes seasoned with turmeric a delicious way to get more curcumin, improve memory and fight depression

Curcumin is safe, affordable and generally easy to digest. Some who take it report mild side effects such as slight nausea and digestive issues; however this can often be resolved by reducing the dosage. While 500 mg twice daily is often recommended for those suffering from depression, memory benefits were enjoyed in the study referenced above by taking just 90 mg twice per day.

While supplement form is the easiest and most convenient way to take curcumin, the most delicious way is through dishes seasoned with turmeric. If you love curried food, consider adding them to your lunch and dinner menus more often.

Sources for the article include:


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LOWER anxiety and the risk of depression by consuming curcumin, evidence reveals


curcumin-calms-anxiety(NaturalHealth365) According to recent statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “1 out of every 6 adults will have depression at some time in their life. ”  Of course, anxiety disorders are out of control, within our society, as well.

But, have no fear (pun intended), there are many highly effective ways to reduce the risk of anxiety and depression – without the need for toxic medications that often make matters even worse.

Let’s focus on solutions: a relatively recent study conducted by researchers at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, supports the ability of curcumin – the active principle in turmeric – to treat depressive symptoms and anxiety.

Historically speaking, curcumin has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese healing systems to treat conditions such as arthritis, asthma, allergies and hepatitis.  But, now, there’s plenty of evidence that our mood can be elevated with the use of this natural substance.

Defeating anxiety: What the study reveals…

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Journal of Affective Disorders, 123 participants with major depressive disorder were given either a placebo, low dosages of curcumin, high dosages of curcumin, or a combination of low-dose curcumin and saffron for twelve weeks.

The researchers found that the curcumin extracts were effective in reducing depression and anxiety.

Specifically, the team reported that curcumin was associated with significantly greater improvements in depressive symptoms – and superior improvements in a scale that measures anxiety.  In other words, curcumin helped both depression and anxiety, but had its strongest effects on the latter.

Interestingly, both “high” (500 mg of curcumin extract twice a day) and “low” dosages (250 mg of curcumin extract twice a day) were effective. However, the addition of saffron (15 mg twice a day) to the curcumin did not have a significant effect.

The team noted that curcumin’s positive antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects were likely due to its ability to elevate neurotransmitters that help to maintain stable mood.

Curcumin elevates serotonin and dopamine levels while lowering cortisol

Curcumin, a flavonoid and natural plant pigment, gives turmeric its distinctive, bright orange-yellow color. In addition to having powerful anti-inflammatory effects, curcumin is antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer.

According to James Phelps, M.D., director of the mood disorders program at Samaritan Mental Health in Corvalis, OR, curcumin helps to regulate levels of serotonin and dopamine – while decreasing markers of neuroinflammation.

This is significant, because inflammation can contribute to mood disorders.

Specifically, curcumin combats inflammation by decreasing the expression of inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. It also decreases levels of cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” while protecting against oxidative damage.

Curcumin may even have the potential to ease disturbances in the HPA (hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal) axis. Dysfunction in the HPA axis can adversely affect mood and sleep.

Surprising (important) news for mental health professionals focused ONLY on drug ‘therapies’

Earlier research has also contributed to the body of evidence showing that curcumin targets depression.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in 2015 in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Chinese researchers found that supplementation with 2,000 mg a day of curcumin enhanced the effectiveness of pharmaceutical antidepressants, without causing adverse effects.

The side effects of pharmaceutical antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, such as Zoloft and Paxil) can include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, nausea, migraines and drowsiness — and even suicidal behavior.

Combining these medications with curcumin could potentially allow patients to take smaller doses, possibly decreasing the odds of troublesome and dangerous side effects.

As in the Australian study, levels of inflammatory cytokines decreased – while cortisol levels dropped as well.  The team credited curcumin with enhancing the outcome of antidepressant treatment in major depressive disorder.

Additional studies have shown that curcumin can sharpen memory, help to treat age-related cognitive decline and slow or prevent the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

New curcumin formulation enhances absorption

It is important to take a curcumin supplement that allows for proper absorption, as curcumin is generally poorly absorbed by the body – a fact that can limit its usefulness.

In order to address this problem, some curcumin preparations include black pepper, as experts say that piperine – its active ingredient – can dramatically increase curcumin’s bioavailability.

Dr. Lopresti advises using a curcumin formulation known as BCM-95. Produced from essential oil of turmeric from non-GMO sources, BCM-95 is reported to be 95 percent bioactive.

Most natural health experts advise curcumin dosages ranging from 500 to 2000 mg a day for anti-inflammatory (and antidepressant) effects.

Of course, we suggest you talk to a trusted, integrative physician before using curcumin to treat any health issue.

Bottom line, as unscientific as it sounds, the bright-orange hue of curcumin-rich turmeric root could signal a brighter, more optimistic, outlook for many people.  This colorful flavonoid has proven to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent and a valuable weapon against depression.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the highest quality curcumin supplement on the market.  Click here to learn more.

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The post LOWER anxiety and the risk of depression by consuming curcumin, evidence reveals appeared first on Natural Health 365.

Magnesium deficiency puts you at risk for peripheral artery disease and depression


The Link Between Magnesium Deficiency and Heart Failure

(NaturalHealth365) Recent studies show that magnesium deficiency comes with serious risks. Not getting enough magnesium in your diet increases your risk of depression and peripheral artery disease (PAD).  The good news – researchers also found that increasing your magnesium intake can lower your risk.

The journal Atherosclerosis reported that as magnesium levels were increased in study participants, the risk of PAD went down. However, people who had the lowest levels of magnesium ended up with a 30% greater risk of developing PAD.

NEW warning about what a magnesium deficiency can do to your arteries

The findings were so significant in the study that researchers believe that magnesium deficiency is a new risk factor for PAD.  But, low magnesium levels don’t just raise your risk of PAD.

Earlier studies show that lower magnesium levels can increase your risk of sudden cardiac death, high blood pressure, heart failure and other forms of cardiovascular disease.

Magnesium deficiency is also linked to depression, according to a meta-analysis published in the Internal Medicine Journal.  For example, in a more recent study, researchers suggest that increasing magnesium in the body will lead to a significant decrease in both anxiety and depression symptoms.

Researchers even suggested that magnesium supplements offer ‘a fast, safe alternative to antidepressants.’

Fair warning: You’re probably not getting enough magnesium in your diet

The recommended daily intake of magnesium is 400 mg. But approximately half of Americans aren’t consuming enough magnesium in their food.

If you’re among that nearly 50%, you have a higher risk of PAD, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and more.  And, the answer is clear: get more magnesium in your diet.

Healthy foods high in magnesium include:

  • Dark chocolate: A one-ounce serving has 64 mg of magnesium
  • Avocados: One avocado has about 58 mg of magnesium
  • Nuts: Almonds, brazil nuts, and cashews are particularly high in this mineral
  • Black beans: A one-cup serving of black beans has 120 mg of magnesium, and other legumes are high in this mineral, too
  • Tofu: A 3.5-ounce serving contains 53 mg of magnesium
  • Pumpkin seeds: You’ll get 150 mg of magnesium in a one-ounce serving
  • Salmon: Half a fillet packs in about 53 mg of magnesium
  • Cooked spinach: A one-cup serving has a whopping 157 mg of magnesium

Of course, we understand that some people will still have a tough time getting enough magnesium in their diet – for one reason or another.  Keep in mind, for all the foods listed (above), we always suggest you choose the highest quality, organic sources you can find.

If you’re worried you’re low on magnesium, you may want to consider a supplement to prevent health problems like depression, PAD, or heart failure.  But, choose your supplement wisely.

Magnesium lactate, magnesium chloride, and magnesium citrate are absorbed better by your body than other options. And as always, check with your doctor before you start any new supplement.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the highest quality magnesium supplements on the market.  Click here to learn more.

Sources for this article include:


The post Magnesium deficiency puts you at risk for peripheral artery disease and depression appeared first on NaturalHealth365.

Stunning research reveals: A vitamin deficiency can INCREASE your risk of depression by 75%


(NaturalHealth365) Vitamin deficiency is a common global issue, and there may be none more common than a deficiency in vitamin D.

For example, 2008 research published in JAMA found that 3 out of 4 American adolescents and adults are lacking in vitamin D.  And, certain ethnic groups, such as Mexican-Americans and non-Hispanic blacks, have deficiency rates as high as 90% and 97%, respectively.

This is truly a worldwide health crisis that could be easily fixed.  We can only hope that, through awareness, this information will have a positive effect on the world.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient involved in several bodily processes – most notably the development of strong bones and teeth. But a breaking new study published in the Journal of American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA) shows that being deficient in this nutrient increases your risk for far more than just weak bones – including depression.

New longitudinal study reveals the STRONG link between vitamin D deficiency and depression

In this study, researchers from Trinity College in Dublin recruited 3,965 subjects aged 50 years and older as part of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging. They tested blood level concentrations of vitamin D in the subjects at two and four years follow up.

During these follow-ups, the researchers also tested for the presence of depression.  What they found was stunning:

Test subjects were 75% MORE likely to have depression at the four-year follow up if they were deficient in vitamin D.  Importantly, the researchers note that “this finding remained robust after controlling for relevant covariates including physical activity, chronic disease burden, cardiovascular disease and antidepressant use.”

These findings are extremely important, especially when we consider that rates of depression – particularly among teens – rising in the United States.  Could the increased amount of indoor “screen time” be driving this public health concern?  Many well-informed doctors say yes!

Unfortunately, it’s not just depression that vitamin D deficiencies could be contributing to.

Eight MORE reasons you need enough vitamin D – and how much “enough” really is

If an increased risk for depression was the only drawback to being deficient in vitamin D, this would still be reason enough to ensure you’re getting sufficient amounts of this crucial vitamin. But a depressed mood isn’t the ONLY issue associated with this kind of vitamin deficiency.

Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with an increased risk for:

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Falls among the elderly
  3. Multiple sclerosis
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of chronic pain
  5. Cardiovascular disease
  6. Certain cancers
  7. High blood pressure
  8. Diabetes

The good news is correcting a vitamin D deficiency is relatively easy and affordable!

How much vitamin D should I take in day?  Individual needs vary depending on things like geographical location and skin color – people in Northern climates as well as darker-skinned people often need more.

That said, here are some things to consider:

  • The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends 200 international units (IU) per day for people aged 0 to 50 years, 400 IU per day for adults aged 51 to 70 years, and 600 IU for adults 71 years and older. HOWEVER many researchers and scientists believe these levels are NOT nearly sufficient for optimal health.
  • Organizations such as the Mayo Clinic and The Endocrine Society recommend the typical adult to get 1,000 to 2,000 IU per day. Some studies indicate that even more is needed (and safe) in order to correct a vitamin D deficiency.
  • The tolerable upper limit for daily vitamin D intake is capped at 4,000 IU according to the IOM.  But research from the Endocrine Society indicates that up to 10,000 IU per day is safe for most adults!

Your best bet is to look for a high quality vitamin D supplement that offers at least 1,000 and 2,000 IU per daily serving.  Of course, we always like to remind you to chat with your doctor – before starting any new supplement routine.

In addition, choose vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), as this form is the natural kind your body makes during sun exposure.  And, look to combine vitamin D with vitamin K2, as it will help you with absorption concerns.

In terms of the ‘best foods’ to eat: you can eat pasture-raised eggs, cod liver oil, beef liver, wild-caught salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines.  Just be sure to get high quality foods – free of toxins – as often as possible.  Keep in mind, if you’re deficient in D, food is not the best way to increase your levels.

If you do choose to enjoy dairy as part of a vitamin D friendly diet, do so in moderation, choose organic, and opt for fermented dairy products like kefir, Greek yogurt, and cheese.

And, last – but not least, enjoy the sunshine!  Integrative healthcare providers often advise a “sensible sun exposure” – whenever possible.  Just 15-20 minutes in the sun with exposed and sunscreen-free skin is enough to trigger your body to produce vitamin D, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Just take care to never let your skin burn, and be aware that the body will probably have trouble producing enough vitamin D – if you live in an area above 30 degree latitude.  This is why supplementation is so important.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality vitamin D supplements on the market.  Click here to order today!

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The post Stunning research reveals: A vitamin deficiency can INCREASE your risk of depression by 75% appeared first on NaturalHealth365.

Surprising way to decrease anxiety and depression symptoms



(NaturalHealth365) Are you or someone you love one of the 40 million Americans living with an anxiety disorder?  If you are, we don’t blame you for being frustrated by conventional treatment options.

Anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants come with unpleasant side effects like weight gain, fatigue, and restlessness.  So, if you’ve wondered if you’ll ever find a natural treatment for your mental health condition, you may want to start with magnesium.

In a promising breakthrough, a team of researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial on the effects of magnesium supplementation for depression. Their 2017 paper was published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.  For anyone who wants a more holistic approach to managing their mental health, it’s research worth celebrating.

Magnesium supplementation improves quality of life in people with anxiety, study reveals

In their study, the team of researchers recruited 126 adults from an outpatient clinic and randomly assigned them to a control group or a group that received magnesium supplements – as a natural treatment for their mild-to-moderate depression.

After 6 weeks, the researchers discovered that daily magnesium supplementation improved depression and quality of life in a “statistically and clinically significant” way.  “Similar effects,” the authors say in their conclusion, “were observed regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, baseline magnesium level, or use of antidepressant treatments.”

Incredibly, these positive effects were seen within as little as two weeks.  Compare this to the fact that antidepressants typically take up to 2 to 3 months to start having any impact – if at all, since they don’t work for everyone.

It’s not hard to imagine how magnesium may prove to be an effective natural treatment for depression and anxiety. For one thing, this essential mineral is involved in hundreds of physiological processes within the body – including those involving hormone function and regulation.

Plus, other studies indicate that magnesium deficiencies are associated with an increased risk for depression, so it makes sense that by correcting a deficiency a person may resolve or drastically improve their depressive or anxious symptoms.

Amazingly, at least 50 percent of all Americans are magnesium deficient anyway!

It’s time that more doctors and psychiatrists talk to their patients about natural options for their mental health issues, in addition to or even in lieu of toxic and conventional medications.  “Magnesium is effective for mild-to-moderate depression in adults,” the study authors conclude.

“It works quickly and is well tolerated without the need for close monitoring for toxicity.”

Here’s how much magnesium you need and where to get it in your diet

The authors of this study gave the experimental group 248 mg of magnesium per day in an over-the-counter supplement form. This is actually a conservative amount, at least according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Generally, men and women are recommended to consume around 400 to 420 mg and 310 to 320 mg daily (respectively).

Magnesium is safe and well-tolerated, but if you take too much too quickly you may experience things like stomach upset and diarrhea. So introduce your natural supplement slowly, and in the meantime be sure to consume magnesium-rich foods like organic avocados, nuts and seeds, salmon, legumes and dark chocolate.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality magnesium supplement on the market.  Click here to order today.

Sources for this article include:


The post Surprising way to decrease anxiety and depression symptoms appeared first on NaturalHealth365.

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